CEU/PDA Renewal Requirements
NCCAOM Certification Renewal Requirements
A minimum of 60 PDA points during the four-year period are required immediately preceding the expiration of their certification.
- 22 PDA minimum up to 52 of AOM – ABT – BIO
- 2 PDA of Safety (SA)
- 2 PDA of Ethics (ET)
- 4 PDA of CPR Course
The NCCAOM will accept the CPR requirement for recertification from all providers and the system will automatically grant that person 4 points. Only 1 CPR certificate is permitted per recertification for each individual. Each person will get 4 points no more or less for their CPR requirement, regardless of what the certificate shows.
NCCAOM no longer approves CPR courses, rather they allow any CPR certificate, so the NCCAOM certificates are not distributed. You can use the AcuSharpener generated certificate for NCCAOM.
For more details, please click here to visit the NCCAOM official website.
All AcuSharpener PDA/CEU courses are approved by NCCAOM
California Acupuncture Board CEU Requirements
Acupuncturists renewing their license are required to complete and list 50 hours of board-approved continuing education courses every two years before the last day of birthday month and sign under penalty of perjury.
Up to 50% of the continuing education requirement may be completed through distance education. Minimum 50% of the continuing education requirement has to be live, such as live webinar or class face to face interaction.
Period of Initial Licensure of 13 to 16 months requires 35 CE Hours
Period of Initial Licensure of 17 to 20 months requires 40 CE Hours
Period of Initial Licensure of 21 to 23 months requires 45 CE Hours
All AcuSharpener courses are approved by the California Acupuncture Board

Florida Acupuncture License Renewal Information
30 CEUs are needed every two years for license renewal.
- 21 CEUs General Hours
- 2 CEUs Laws and Rules
- 5 CEUs Biomedical Sciences
- 2 CEUs Medical Error
First Biennium Renewal: Licensed Acupuncturist renewing a license for the first time are only required to complete 2 hours of medical errors and 3 hours of HIV/AIDS.
For more details, please click here to visit the official website of Florida Acupuncture Board.
All AcuSharpener PDA/CEU courses are approved by the Florida Board of Acupuncture

Texas Acupuncture License Renewal Information
At least 34 CAE hours are needed every 24 months for license renewal.
The following core hours must be included in the 34 CAE hours:
- At least 8 hours: general acupuncture therapies
- At least 2 hours: ethics and safety
- At least 6 hours: herbology
- At least 4 hours: biomedicine
For more details, please click here to visit the official website of Texas Medical Board.
Since we are an approved CE provider by Texas Acupuncture Board, our CE courses are all approved by Texas Acupuncture Board

Other States Acupuncture License Renewal Information
Although a majority of states require the NCCAOM examination or certification, each state regulatory board carries unique requirements for licensure.
For more details, please visit the NCCAOM State Licensure Requirements Interactive Map.